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Sub-project SPP 100+ : Extending the Lifetime of Complex Engineering Structures through Intelligent Digitalization

Project Description

The overall objective of the project is to improve the data and information basis for the holistic cross-sectional and long-term assessment of existing structures in the infrastructure sector with a focus on bridges. For this purpose

  1. heterogeneous data sets and information sources of different provenance are to be merged into uniform information spaces in a partially automated way by means of spatial and temporal superposition
  2. to enable researchers and engineers in the field to conduct systematic surveys and searches of large data sets of as-built surveys and condition descriptions.
  3. to develop and provide the necessary basis for further research, such as the generation of training data for machine learning methods or for the creation of digital twins.
  4. verbal, analogue-drawn and photographic documentations of bridge structures compiled over many years are to be retroactively linked to semantically rich object models with 3D representations that are currently being created and will be created in the future.
  5. temporal changes in condition in different periods (episodic short-term events such as catastrophic storms and accidents, periodic seasonal weather changes, long-term wear and tear) can be superimposed in a uniform recording system in order to be able to create more precise condition descriptions, predictions and recommendations for measures across individual structures, which increase the safety and service life of valuable infrastructure structures.