CIB W78 2024 in Marrakech
We are happy to share that our team had the opportunity to present three of our latest research papers at the Joint CIB W78 Conference and buildingSMART International Summit in Marrakesh.

Noemi Kremer presented her findings on a Use case-based evaluation of a standardised product catalogue format for configuration as one of the results of her research stay at NTNU under the supervision of Eilif Hjelseth.

Anne Göbels & Oliver Schulz shared their insights about a Common Digital Space: Proposing a Schema for Spatially Linking Heterogeneous Resources as part of the Raumlink project of the DFG SPP100+ research program.

A collaborative paper by Ina Heise from TU Munich & Anne Göbels discovered the possibilities of Comprehensive Querying of Road and Civil Structure Data using Graph-based Methods by joining their research approaches for processing existing road and bridge data sets.
Finally, we are pleased to announce that all three papers were shortlisted for the Charles M. Eastman PhD Paper Award!
Looking forward to next year’s edition in Porto!